Yhali Ilan is a Dunedin-based artist that specializes in a variety of visual mediums ranging from digital media to large-scale murals. His visual language is mostly light and illustrative, and his work tends to carry a bounce and/or flow to it. Another component of Yhali’s work is the positive insight that is skillfully communicated in a large number of his pieces.

Yhali was born in Los Angeles California and moved to Israel with his family at the age of 8. At the age of 18, he left to travel across Europe and the US as a wandering Caricature Artist. Eventually, he found a home in Dunedin FL where he continued to work as a caricature artist but also began developing his career as a fine artist. (credit: creativepinellas.org)

@yahaliilan on Instagram


PixelStix is a technology platform for activating murals and making the public spaces they occupy more inviting and interactive. But we are also a movement, a revolution in how artists connect with their audiences. Born from the passion to deepen the bond between creators and admirers, PixelStix is redefining the canvas, both physical and digital.

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